Slimming Belly Pants

How to wear a high-waisted shirt - This high-waist shorts panties are lightweight and suitable for any season of autumn, winter, spring, or summer. Wear skirts, dresses, jeans, leggings, tights, and tighten the mid section and thighs for a slim look.

Slim fit and smooth body styling - Comfortable lightweight spandex and nylon material, tightening and smoothing the stomach and legs, firm control, no rolling and light binding

Comfortable thin shorts - these panties are seamlessly compressed and chopped for comfort It is versatile under any equipment.

We hope that you feel good in the new corset and look good. If you are not completely satisfied, we will provide you with a full refund or exchange for a better size, highlighting your beauty, body and body.

Made from a spandex blend, this bodysuit tightens the bottom and lifts the hips.Our abdominal control, body slimming, body sculpting, female corsets, thinner, thinner and thinner.

Please choose the size according to our size chart. 

  • S (Fit Waist 20"- 22"), Hip (30″- 32″) 
  • M/L (Fit Waist 22"- 26"), Hip (32″- 35″)
  • XL/XXL (Fit Waist 26"- 30"), Hip (35″-38″) 
  • XXXL (Fit Waist 30"- 34"), Hip (38″- 40″) 
  • 4XL (Fit Waist 34"- 38"), Hip (40″- 43″) 

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